Shortfalls in the global protected area network at representing marine biodiversity

Klein, C.J., C.J. Brown, B. S. Halpern, D. B. Segan, J. McGowan, M. Beger and J.E.M. Watson (2015). Shortfalls in the global protected area network at representing marine biodiversity. Scientific Reports, 5, 17539; doi: 10.1038/srep17539
In this paper we overlap global marine protected areas (MPA) with the ranges of 17,348 marine species (fishes, mammals, invertebrates). We found that nearly all species have <10% of their ranges represented in stricter conservation classes. Almost all of the very poorly represented species (<2% coverage) are found within exclusive economic zones, suggesting an important role for particular nations to better protect biodiversity. Further, we identified 245 ‘gap species’, which are those that do not overlap with any MPA. We hope our results provide a global baseline required to measure marine conservation progress and plan for future protected areas.
We have also written an Op Ed on the paper in National Geographic which summarise the main results.
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