Large seasonal and diurnal anthropogenic heat flux across four Australian cities
Chapman, S., J. E. M. Watson, and C. A. McAlpine. 2016. Large seasonal and diurnal anthropogenic heat flux across four Australian cities....

Global Biodiversity Targets Requires Both Sufficiency and Efficiency
DiMarco, M., Watson, J.E.M. and O. Venter (2016). Global Biodiversity Targets Requires Both Sufficiency and Efficiency. Conservation...

Persistent Disparities between Recent Rates of Habitat Conversion and Protection and Implications fo
Watson, J.E.M., Jones, K.R., Fuller, R.A., DiMarco, M., Segan, D.B., Butchart, S.H.M., Allan, J.R., McDonald-Madden, E. and O. Venter...

Limitations and trade-offs in the use of species distribution maps for protected area planning
DiMarco, M., Watson, J.E.M., Possingham, H.P. and O. Venter (2016). Limitations and trade-offs in the use of species distribution maps...

Powerful Owls at Mt Coot-tha
The Green Fire Science lab spends a lot of its time tied to the desk trying to save the world, so it’s good to take some time every now...

Kendall Jones interviewed for local ABC news about global wilderness loss
Kendall Jones, a GFS PhD student was interviewed last week for ABC news about a recent publication on global wilderness loss. The paper...

What a session on SDGs at the IUCN World Conservation Congress!
We had a great session on Sustainable Development Goals at the IUCN World Conservation Congress on the 3rd September. IUCN's DG Inger...

Catastrophic Wilderness Loss since the 1990's
Globally important wilderness areas are strongholds for biodiversity, for regulating local climates, and for supporting the world’s most...

Confronting Threats to Marine Biodiversity at the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania (SCBO)
July brought a number of conservation scientist and researchers together for the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania section meeting...