LaB Motives
We share a set of motives that drive how we conduct our science, and how we prioritise research ideas and collaborations.
Social Conservation
Conservation success and failure is not an ecological problem – it is a social one. Therefore the science we do is about engaging people, using a multifaceted approach.
Our science needs to span ecology, biogeography, social sciences, decision science, economics, and philosophy in order to be successful.
Theory of Change
We, as researchers, can play important roles in the practice of conservation. Research agendas that rely on others to do the heavy lifting in terms of implementation are often doomed for failure.
In all the research we do, we identify and articulate our 'theory of change' - what is the applied outcome of our research and what is needed to achieve this outcome?
Communicate Widely
Real-world communication is necessary: we recognise that very few conservation practitioners, policymakers, and donors read the published literature and it is essential to ensure we disseminate key research findings via different media realms.
Green Fire Science