GFS Articles and interviews
Archive of GFS articles and interviews
Print and Online
Rio Conventions Pavilion at CBD COP 14
Building Post-2020 Conservation Targets Based on What Nature Needs
Call to protect wilderness before it's too late - Mongabay
Five countries hold 70% of world's wilderness - The Guardian
The world's wilderness areas are disappearing - NY Times
Australia among world's wildest places in need of protection - ABC News
Half of the planet should be set aside for wildlife - to save ourselves - New Scientist
The habitats of threatened species are shrinking, despite laws set up to protect them - ABC News
Ocean wilderness disappearing globally - BBC News
Almost all world's oceans damaged by human impact - The Guardian
Global marine wilderness has dwindled to13 percent - Mongabay
Nature retention, not just protection, crucial to maintain biodiversity - Mongabay
Why expanding protected areas isn't enough - Scientific American
Intense human pressure threatens one-third of protected areas - Cool Green Science
Selling the Protected Area Myth - New York Times
Major report paints grim picture of biodiversity
The world's wilderness: going, going, and soon gone?
Friend, not foe: Review highlights benefits of predators and scavengers - Mongabay
Losing the wilderness: a 10th has gone since 1992 – and gone for good - The Guardian
10 electorates contain 600 threatened species - The Guardian
Queensland tree-clearing: WWF busts myths spread by industry lobbyists
Land clearing rates in Queensland on par with Brazil, new study finds
Fledgling night parrot spotted by researchers
No longer wild: How Natural World Heritage Sites Are Being Spoiled
Where logging reigns, going beyond sharing vs sparing
More than 100 natural world heritage sites degraded by human activity
Humans Threaten Over 100 Precious Natural Heritage Sites
Where do you start with the Galapagos?
TV and Radio
Back from the Dead - Nick Leseberg, ABC Off Track Radio
Our last chance to save the wildest places on earth - James Watson, Radio Interview
The last wild places on the planet - James Watson, Interview
Protected areas for threatened species in Australia - James Watson, Radio Interview
Night Parrots - Nick Leseberg, Wildlife, Cake and Cocktails Podcast
Threatened species recovery plans - James Watson, ABC Radio
Reviled animals could be our powerful allies - Chris O'Bryan
Threatened species and climate change - April Reside, Beyond Zero
Climate action needed now to save species - James Watson, Beyond Zero
Night Parrots - Nick Leseberg on Mongabay Newscast
Night Parrots - Nick Leseberg on BBC World
World Heritage Sites - James Allan on Totally Wild
Half Earth - James Watson on ABC
Electoral Analysis and Threatened Species - James Watson on ABC
Land use planning under climate change - Sean Maxwell on Totally Wild
Night Parrots - Nick Leseberg on Totally Wild
Threatened Species - James Watson on ABC Radio
Great Barrier Reef and UNESCO - James Watson RNZ interview
Climate Smokescreen - The Project
Queensland's tree clearing rate compared to Brazil: new report
Night Parrot: What happens when the world's most endangered species is discovered on your property
Human traffic wiping away heritage history - The Wire
Human activity compromises World Heritage Sites - ABC News
Take a walk on the wild side - James Watson Wilderness Interview
Wilderness Loss - Kendall Jones on ABC News
James Watson on Protected Areas WCS
Protected Areas Get Shortshrift - Scientific American
US - China emissions deal - James Watson on ABC News
Green Fire Science