Progress in improving the protection of species and habitats in Australia
Lissa M Barr, James Watson; Hugh P Possingham; Takuya Iwamura; Richard Fuller, (in press). Progress in improving the protection of...

Oxford and the Interdisciplinary Conservation Network (ICN) workshop
For the month of June I was very fortunate to visit E.J. Milner-Gulland’s lab – the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science...

Formulating smart commitments on biodiversity: lessons from the Aichi Targets
Butchart, S., Di Marco, M. and J.E.M. Watson (in press). Formulating smart commitments on biodiversity: lessons from the Aichi Targets....

Conservation planning for Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique: a collaboration between WCS Mozambiqu
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is currently managing the Niassa National Reserve (NNR) in Northern Mozambique. It is an ...

Seeking convergence on the key concepts in ‘no net loss’ policy
Bull, J.W., Gordon, A., Watson, J.E.M and M. Maron (2016). Seeking convergence on the key concepts in ‘no net loss’ policy. Journal of...

Interactions between biodiversity offsets and protected area commitments: avoiding perverse outcomes
Economic growth is often in conflict with environmental goals. Biodiversity offsetting attempts to resolve this conflict by requiring...