Australia’s beloved native birds are disappearing – and the cause is clear
Along Australia’s heavily populated east coast, population declines have been noted for common bird species, including the rainbow...

Scientists say Australia is facing an extinction crisis, call on PM for stronger laws
More than 240 scientists have written to the PM, saying Australia is facing an extinction crisis primarily because of habitat...

Scientists warn of "extinction crisis" in open letter to PM
Two-hundred-and-fifty Australian scientists have written an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison today, warning that Australia is...

An open letter to the Prime Minister from 248 concerned scientists.
Dear Prime Minister, We the undersigned are scientists who every day study, catalogue and document Australia's unique native species and...

Letter by 240 leading scientists calls on Scott Morrison to stem extinction crisis
More than 240 conservation scientists sign open letter warning PM that 17 Australian native species face extinction in next 20 years....