Indigenous Peoples Have a Critical Role in Conserving Nature
Increasing household income and a human population expected to grow from seven to nine billion people in the next 20 years have driven up...

Climate change threatens 26 native species in Great Dividing Range, study finds
More than 20 native animals would disappear from the Great Dividing Range before the end of the century if global emissions continue at...

A bird boy's dream
Few people have heard of the 'buff breasted button quail' and even fewer have seen one. In fact, there hasn't been a confirmed sighting...

Loss of biodiversity 'greater threat than climate change'
Biodiversity loss could become a greater threat to humanity than climate change and we are “running out of time” to turn things around, a...

Most habitat loss in just 12 electorates
Agriculture Minister David Littleproud's Queensland electorate has had the worst threatened species habitat loss in the nation over the...

'On a dark path': Coalition defends record after extinctions accelerate
According to PhD Candidate Michelle Ward and the Australian Conservation Foundation, an area the size of Tasmania containing habitat for...

The world is "sleepwalking into an extinction crisis"
One million of the Earth's species are now under threat of extinction in an accelerating crisis. A United Nations body has released the...

One million species at risk of extinction, UN report warns, and we are mostly to blame
One million of the world's species are now under threat of extinction, according to the biggest-ever review of the state of nature on...