Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape
Retaining and restoring habitat in areas that will remain climatically suitable through time is a key strategy for helping species' adapt...

Identifying global centers of unsustainable commercial harvesting of species
Overexploitation is one of the main threats to biodiversity, but the intensity of this threat varies geographically. We identified global...

How to send a finch extinct
Australia’s high species extinction rate shows no sign of abating, with at least three vertebrate extinctions recorded within the last...

Conservation implications of ecological responses to extreme weather and climate events
Many conservation efforts now focus on mitigating biodiversity loss due to climate change. While a focus on impacts from mean, long‐term...

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds
Although evidence‐based approaches have become commonplace for determining the success of conservation measures for the management of...

Hotspots of human impact on threatened terrestrial vertebrates
Conserving threatened species requires identifying where across their range they are being impacted by threats, yet this remains...

Brokering trust in citizen science
Citizen science (CS) information requires systematic review that incorporates a range of interests and concerns. Yet, there has been...

Manage forests as protection against warming.
We disagree with those who caution against relying on forests as a solution to global warming until the warming effects of trees...

Madagascar: Crime threatens biodiversity.
Madagascar’s new president, Andry Rajoelina, was elected on a promise to improve living standards for the millions who live in poverty...

Improved management is more important than sparing-sharing strategies for tropical forests
Tropical forests are globally significant for both biodiversity conservation and the production of economically valuable wood products....