The exceptional value of intact forest ecosystems
As the terrestrial human footprint continues to expand, the amount of native forest that is free from significant damaging human...

The extent and predictability of the biodiversity–carbon correlation
Protecting biomass carbon stocks to mitigate climate change has direct implications for biodiversity conservation. Yet, evidence that a...

The contribution of predators and scavengers to human well-being
Predators and scavengers are frequently persecuted for their negative effects on property, livestock and human life. Research has shown...

Gaps and opportunities for the World Heritage Convention to contribute to global wilderness conserva
Wilderness areas are ecologically intact landscapes predominantly free of human uses, especially industrial‐scale activities that result...

Bias in protected‐area location and its effects on long‐term aspirations of biodiversity conventions
To contribute to the aspirations of recent international biodiversity conventions, protected areas (PAs) must be strategically located...

The risks and opportunities of translating terrestrial biodiversity offsets to the marine realm
Biodiversity compensation policy programs such as offsetting are increasingly being expanded to the marine realm. We reviewed the...

The Last of the Ocean Wilderness.
This chapter discusses a radical solution to the problem that many protected areas are not in the right places to achieve maximum...

The threats to Australia’s imperilled species and implications for a national conservation response
Since European occupation of Australia, human activities have caused the dramatic decline and sometimes extinction of many of the...

Opportunities for biodiversity conservation as cities adapt to climate change
Cities are investing billions of dollars in climate change adaptation to combat the effects of sea‐level rise, temperature extremes,...

The many meanings of no net loss in environmental policy
‘No net loss’ is a buzz phrase in environmental policy. Applied to a multitude of environmental targets such as biodiversity, wetlands...