ABOUT Stephen

✉ s.murphy [at] uq.edu.au
Senior Research Fellow
I have worked in applied conservation for various agencies and organisations across Australia, mostly in northern and central regions. At times I’ve worked as conservation land manager – for example, as fire management coordinator on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands, while at other times I’ve led research projects – for example on the conservation ecology of Night Parrots in western QLD. The interface between conservation research and management on Indigenous controlled and non-Indigenous (production) land is a challenging arena and is where I like to operate. My areas of expertise include fire ecology and management, feral predator ecology and management, threatened bird recovery and spatial analyses.
I finished my PhD at ANU on the Ecology and Conservation Biology of Palm Cockatoos on Cape York in 2007. Since 2011 I have been freelancing on various conservation projects and continue to be involved a select number of these through my company “Adaptive NRM”. In early 2019 I took on a position as Senior Research Fellow within UQ-SEES-Green Fire Science. In this role I’m responsible for a research project on the ecology of feral cats in western QLD (funded by NESP and in collaboration with Bush Heritage Australia). This work is designed to inform more effective cat control to protect species like the Night Parrot. I’ve also recently joined the Alwal (Golden-shouldered Parrot) Recovery Team and I’m now working alongside traditional owners, graziers, NRM groups and other agencies on the recovery of that particularly worrying species. I’m also excited to be co-supervising an outstanding group of postgraduates who are working on some very challenging and important projects.
Green Fire Science