✉ ruby.finlen [at] uqconnect.edu.au
Masters Graduate
I have always been intrigued by the varying landscapes of the world and the people that live within them. Although my interests are very diverse, I am particularly fascinated by the drivers of the conflict between human development and natural resources in developing countries and the implications for conservation solutions.
At the end of 2015 I completed a Master of Conservation Science thanks to the supervision of A/Prof James Watson, Sean Maxwell, James Allan, Joseph Maina and the Green Fire Science team, where I explored the amount and degree of change in human pressure in nine Global Biodiversity Conservation Priorities.
I have since moved to Cambridge, UK and am lucky enough to now be working under the title of Conservation Support at BirdLife International. My work at BirdLife deals with various challenges within the Business and Biodiversity realm. I am currently working in union with a number of fellow NGOs to establish a sustainable benchmark for tropical commodities (i.e. natural rubber and cocoa) that not only delivers outcomes for conservation but also strengthens indigenous tenure over natural resources. I also support The Critical Ecosystem Partnership’s Mediterranean Hotspot Regional Implementation Team which excitingly, ties in with my GFS research!
Green Fire Science