Postdoctoral Fellow
I am a postdoctoral research fellow working on the NESP Threatened Species Hub, on Theme 4: Reintroductions and refugia.
My prior research focused on climate change impacts and biodiversity conservation using spatial modelling. Funded by NCCARF, I modelled the distributions of >1700 vertebrate species across Australia for both current and future climate scenarios to identify future biodiversity hotspots and refugia. Using these models, I applied conservation planning frameworks to identify spatial priorities for climate change adaptation for biodiversity and carbon sequestration. This research fed into Natural Resource Management and government planning for climate change adaptation.
I have a particular fascination of flying vertebrates, and have worked on bats on three continents and nine countries. I worked as a field ecologist for with Australian Wildlife Conservancy before moving to Townsville to study savanna birds with JCU and CSIRO. My PhD: “Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability: Novel methods for understanding potential impacts on Australian Tropical Savanna Birds” adapted species distribution modelling techniques to account for temporal and spatial variability in the distributions of highly vagile bird species.
I am on the Recovery Team for the Black-throated Finch, and sit on Birdlife Australia’s Research and Conservation Committee.
Selected publications:
Reside, A. E., J. J. VanDerWal, A. S. Kutt, and G. C. Perkins. 2010. Weather, not climate, defines distributions of vagile bird species. PLoS ONE :e13569.
Reside, A. E., J. VanDerWal, A. Kutt, I. Watson, and S. Williams. 2012. Fire regime shifts affect bird species distributions. Diversity and Distributions :213-225.
Keppel, G., K. Mokany, G. W. Wardell-Johnson, B. L. Phillips, J. A. Welbergen, and A. E. Reside. 2015. The capacity of refugia for conservation planning under climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment :106-112.
Reside, A. E., J. A. Welbergen, B. L. Phillips, G. W. Wardell-Johnson, G. Keppel, S. Ferrier, S. E. Williams, and J. VanDerWal. 2014. Characteristics of climate change refugia for Australian biodiversity. Austral Ecology :887-897.
VanDerWal, J., H. T. Murphy, A. S. Kutt, G. C. Perkins, B. L. Bateman, J. J. Perry, and A. E. Reside. 2013. Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change. Nature Climate Change :239-243.
Vanderduys, E. P., A. E. Reside, A. Grice, and J. Rechetelo. 2016. Addressing potential cumulative impacts of development on threatened species: the case of the endangered Black-throated Finch. PLoS ONE :e0148485.
Green Fire Science